To support a safe and respectful environment within Big Thunder Nordic Ski Club, all coaches, volunteers, and members of the board are screened and require Safe Sport training. Big Thunder Nordic has adopted the Safe Sport policies and guidelines established by Cross Country Ski Ontario. These include Responsible Coaching Guidelines and concussion management and prevention policies. Big Thunder Nordic’s complete Safe Sport policy can be found in the Athlete/Parent Handbook.

Volunteering and Screening

To support a safe and respectful environment within Big Thunder Nordic Ski Club, all coaches, volunteers, and members of the board are screened and require Safe Sport training.  The Safe Sport training is free and can be found on the Coaching Association of Canada’s website. All volunteers are required to complete the Volunteer Application Form found in the Athlete/Parent Handbook as per Big Thunder’s Safe Sport policy.

Code of Conduct

The intent of the Code of Conduct policy is to describe the general attitude and behaviour that an individual is expected to display when they represent Big Thunder Nordic Ski Club and the sport of cross-country skiing.  The full Code of Conduct policy can be found in the Athlete/Parent Handbook.

Roller Skiing

Roller skiing is an integral part of cross-country ski training, providing one of the most specific forms of ski training that can be practiced without snow.  Big Thunder Nordic’s policy emphasizes safety of the athlete with respect to competency on roller skis, protective clothing, and location of training.  Athletes should also wear eye protection whenever possible.  The full roller skiing policy can be found in the Athlete/Parent Handbook.